Oklahoma Farm Bureau is a proud supporter of Oklahoma’s agriculture youth.
We understand that the future of Oklahoma agriculture – and the future of our state – rests on the leadership, skills and knowledge our youth possess.
We know the skills and experience that these young people learn through their involvement in 4-H, FFA, livestock showing, community service and agricultural engagement will allow them to lead our state – no matter if they return to the farm or if they use their leadership abilities in Oklahoma City, Tulsa or beyond.
We are proud to support these brilliant young people through a variety of programs, scholarships and sponsorships.
Oklahoma Youth Leading Agriculture Conference
Each summer, the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers hosts a handful of our state’s top agriculture students during the multi-day Oklahoma Youth Leading Agriculture Conference.
The conference is designed to expand the horizons of top agriculture students through hands-on activities, agriculture-related tours, leadership development projects and engaging speakers from across the agriculture spectrum.
Find the OYLA program application and deadline on our Application Center page.
Contests and competitive events

Young Farmers and Ranchers High School Discussion Meet
The high school discussion meet, held during OKFB Annual Meeting, provides an opportunity for high school students to compete in Farm Bureau’s committee-style discussion meet contest to discuss issues facing agriculture. Students use their speaking, reasoning and cooperative abilities to reach solutions to our industry’s most pressing challenges and opportunities.

State Fair Livestock Judging Contest
The OKFB YF&R Committee hosts a yearly livestock judging contest at the Oklahoma State Fair in Oklahoma City. The contest is open to 4-H and FFA members from across the state as they compete in junior and senior divisions. Prizes and plaques are awarded to the top individuals and teams in the four contest divisions: Senior FFA, Senior 4-H, Junior FFA and Junior 4-H.
Youth livestock show premium sales

Oklahoma Farm Bureau is a proud sponsor of youth who participate in Oklahoma’s proud tradition of youth livestock showing.
The skills and work ethic our state’s students learn by caring for their animals and working with them in the show ring and beyond help them well into their future, whether or not it involves a career in agriculture.
Oklahoma Farm Bureau supports our agriculture youth by purchasing premiums for animals shown by students who make the sales at the Oklahoma Youth Expo and the Tulsa State Fair.
Many county Farm Bureaus support their local youth who compete in livestock shows at the county level by purchasing animal premiums.
Together, Oklahoma Farm Bureau and our county Farm Bureaus are proud to help our state’s ag youth learn, grow and achieve their dreams.
Scholarships for students
Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee scholarship
The OKFB YF&R Committee presents scholarships each spring to nine high school seniors, one from each of the nine Oklahoma Farm Bureau districts.
Each applicant’s family must be a voting member of Farm Bureau, and should be enrolling in a full-time agriculture major at one of Oklahoma’s colleges.
Find the YF&R scholarship deadline and application on our Application Center page.
Oklahoma Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee Nurse’s Scholarship
The OKFB Women’s Leadership Committee understand the importance of the nursing profession in Oklahoma – and particularly in rural parts of our state – and how any and all financial support contributes to a student’s future.
To assist Farm Bureau members with the costs associated with receiving their education through a nursing program, we offer three $500 scholarships every year to qualifying students.
Find the WLC Nurse’s Scholarship deadline and application on our Application Center page.
County Farm Bureau scholarships
Several county Farm Bureaus have scholarship programs to help youth from their local area earn their college degree. Each county Farm Bureau defines their scholarship requirements and support levels.
The county Farm Bureaus listed below have a county scholarship program. Please contact your county directly for more information on scholarships.
- Alfalfa County Farm Bureau
- Beaver County Farm Bureau
- Caddo County Farm Bureau
- Cherokee County Farm Bureau
- Choctaw County Farm Bureau
- Coal County Farm Bureau
- Comanche County Farm Bureau
- Delaware County Farm Bureau
- Dewey County Farm Bureau
- Garfield County Farm Bureau
- Grady County Farm Bureau
- Grant County Farm Bureau
- Harmon County Farm Bureau
- Haskell County Farm Bureau
- Hughes County Farm Bureau
- McCurtain County Farm Bureau
- McIntosh County Farm Bureau
- Marshall County Farm Bureau
- Muskogee County Farm Bureau
- Noble County Farm Bureau
- Nowata County Farm Bureau
- Okfuskee County Farm Bureau
- Ottawa County Farm Bureau
- Payne County Farm Bureau
- Pontotoc County Farm Bureau
- Rogers County Farm Bureau
- Seminole County Farm Bureau
- Sequoyah County Farm Bureau
- Woods County Farm Bureau
- Woodward County Farm Bureau
Sponsoring Oklahoma’s best
Oklahoma Farm Bureau proudly supports the Oklahoma FFA Association, Oklahoma 4-H, the Oklahoma State University Big Three Field Days and other programs that help our state’s youth learn about agriculture as they develop into the premiere leaders that our state needs.