The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers are pleased to announce a new event will be added to the OKFB convention schedule. On Thursday, Nov. 13, at 10 a.m., YF&R will host the inaugural high school discussion meet for FFA and 4-H members throughout the state to take part in as an educational and résumé-building experience.
The high school discussion meet is an activity designed to build crucial skills to aid in analyzing problems and deciding solutions to best meet one’s needs. By participating, students build basic discussions skills, develop a keen understanding of agricultural issues and explore how groups can pool knowledge to reach consensus and solve problems.
The contest will simulate a committee meeting where discussion and active participation are expected from each committee member. Contestants will discuss a pre-selected topic for 20 minutes where they will be scored based on their attitude, problem solving and implementation ideas, delivery and topic analysis as well as their opening and closing statements.
All contestants will compete in two “Round Robin” rounds of the contest. After the first two rounds, scores will be tabulated and the four highest scoring individuals will be announced. The four finalists will then compete in the final round to determine a winner.
The overall winner of the high school discussion meet will receive a MacBook Air laptop computer and $300 cash. The remaining three finalists will all receive an iPad Mini.
For more information or to register for the contest, contact Holly Carroll at or at 405-523-2307.