Hundreds of Oklahoma Farm Bureau members across the state recently began the organization’s grassroots policy development process with its annual August Area Meetings.
Meetings were held in each of OKFB’s nine districts to begin discussions on potential additions or revisions to organization policy.
As the state continues to grapple with budget shortfalls, many Farm Bureau members voiced concern over the potential for various tax increases. The state Legislature’s consideration of a fuel tax increase, along with its willingness to evaluate tax exemptions and credits, are both causes of worry for farm and ranch members.
A measure granting Oklahoma municipalities access to property taxes hit a snag in the state Legislature this year, but still remains active for consideration in next year’s session. Current OKFB policy strongly opposes any increase in property taxes.
Concern over the state of rural healthcare also was a common concern among members, as many rural Oklahomans continue to face a shortage of healthcare providers.
Farm Bureau members now will gather at county annual meetings to draft and submit resolutions to the state resolutions committee. After reviewing all county resolutions, the state committee will send approved resolutions to the delegate body for adoption at the OKFB annual meeting in November.
Find the full county annual meeting schedule here.