To expand its public policy reach, Oklahoma Farm Bureau has launched OKAgPolicy, a news outlet designed to educate farmers, ranchers, legislators and consumers about laws and regulations affecting Oklahoma agriculture. The goal of OKAgPolicy is to become the state’s leader in agricultural policy news and information.
The first phase of the OKAgPolicy launch is the introduction of the effort’s social media accounts. OKAgPolicy News and Information can be found by following @OKAgPolicy on Twitter and liking OKAgPolicy on Facebook.
“Most of our leaders at the state and federal level are four to five generations removed from the farm,” said Tom Buchanan, OKFB president. “Every day, those legislators make decisions that can affect our farmers and ranchers. OKAgPolicy creates an outlet to inform them so that they make an educated decision.”
The second phase of the launch will include a website, to be announced at a later date. Visitors to the OKAgPolicy site will find news, resources and background information designed to keep them educated on the latest at the state Capitol.
Stay tuned for more information as we continue to roll out this exciting new resource.