Oklahoma Farm Bureau members are encouraged to attend a congressional meeting featuring Rep. Frank Lucas on Thursday, May 27 at 6 p.m. at the Southwestern Oklahoma State University Pioneer Cellular Event Center in Weatherford.
While the ongoing impacts of the pandemic prevent members from traveling to Washington D.C., to visit Oklahoma’s congressional delegation, the meeting with Rep. Lucas will provide members the opportunity to discuss the leading issues in our nation’s capital affecting farmers, ranchers and rural Oklahomans.
A farmer and rancher from Cheyenne, Rep. Lucas represents the Oklahoma’s Third Congressional District, the state’s largest congressional district, covering the north-western and western part of the state. He also serves as the ranking member on the House Science, Space and Technology Committee and is the senior member of the House Financial Services Committee.
Dinner will be provided. State legislators from the Weatherford area also will attend and provide brief remarks on issues in Oklahoma.
For more information, contact OKFB Public Policy at (405) 523-2300.