Oklahoma Farm Bureau will be hosting a press event on Aug. 28, 2014, at 9 a.m. at the Port of Catoosa in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The event will provide valuable discussion among water leaders in our state about the economic impact on agriculture provided by the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System, port and terminals.
“This waterway system is vitally important to Oklahoma’s agricultural industry,” said OKFB President Tom Buchanan. “We must continue to invest in this critical infrastructure to ensure we are making the most of our water resources in the state.”
Attendees will hear from Buchanan, as well as director of the Port of Catoosa Bob Portiss, U.S. Rep. Markwayne Mullin and Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture Jim Reese.
Mullin will shed some light on the subject of the proposed EPA rulings, including the Waters of the United States rule and the Water Resources Reform Development Act.
Reese will discuss the importance of multimodal transportation centers to the agricultural industry in Oklahoma.
Oklahoma Farm Bureau members are encouraged to attend the event to ask questions and educate themselves on the topic of water in Oklahoma.
“Our members, along with many other Oklahomans, are interested in our water resources when it comes to agricultural production,” Buchanan said. “This is the prime opportunity for them to hear from experts on the issue and ask questions.”
A representative from Gavilon Grain and Consolidated Grain & Barge will also be at the event to talk about the impact of grain shipments on the MKARNS.
The location of this event is 5150 West Channel Road, Catoosa, OK 74015, southeast side of the grain elevator, accessible via Caney Road.
For more information about the event, contact Sam Knipp by phone at 405-523-2347 or by email at Sam.Knipp@okfb.org.
Click here to download a PDF version of a map to the press event location.