Oklahoma Farm Bureau honored six state senators and representatives with the Meritorious Service Award during the annual OFB Leadership Conference in Oklahoma City, Feb 20.
The Meritorious Service honor is awarded to state legislators who actively support rural and agricultural efforts and maintain a strong voting record in favor of Farm Bureau issues. Winners are nominated by county Farm Bureaus and evaluated on their ability to positively impact the rural community.
Those receiving the legislative award for 2012 were Representatives Larry Glenn, Skye McNiel, Wade Rousselot, and Mike Sanders and Senators Brian Bingman and Susan Paddack.
“Oklahoma Farm Bureau appreciates the support these six individuals have shown for our policies and the legislation we endorse,” said OFB Public Policy Director Kinsey Money. “Their cooperation allows Farm Bureau the opportunity to contribute to state legislation.”
In addition to the Meritorious Service Awards presentation, OFB honored its retiring district directors Bob Drake and Ervin Mitchell. Conference guest speakers included law professor Dr. Drew Kershen who led a discussion on Oklahoma water laws, and breakout sessions covered the topics of business succession planning and managing ag employment.
OFB concluded its conference Feb. 21, with county leader training and a legislative panel discussion featuring State Representatives Leslie Osborn and Wade Rousselot and State Senators Clark Jolley and Tom Ivester.
For high-resolution photos of the meritorious service award winners, please view the following links.
Rep. Larry Glenn pictured with Ottawa County Farm Bureau members
Rep. Skye McNiel and Sen. Brian Bingman pictured with Creek County Farm Bureau members
Sen. Susan Paddack pictured with Pontotoc County Farm Bureau members
Rep. Wade Rousselot pictured with Wagoner County Farm Bureau members
Rep. Mike Sanders pictured with Major County Farm Bureau members