Considering water as a valuable, natural resource should remain as a major priority for the state’s largest farm organization in 2010. This was one of 625 resolutions proposed during Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s statewide resolutions committee meeting Oct. 20-21 in Oklahoma City. The resolutions will be voted on during the annual OFB convention Nov. 6-8 in Oklahoma City.
The committee will submit a resolution to the convention’s voting delegates to make protecting agriculture’s sales tax exemption a priority issue in 2010.
There also were resolutions proposed on international food safety standards, opposing federal climate change legislation and asking the news media to use scientific terminology on health issues. Rural health care, support for a farm tire recycling program, improved infrastructure in rural Oklahoma and animal health issues all drew discussion from committee members.
Approximately 60 county Farm Bureau leaders invested the better part of two days pouring over resolutions proposed by county Farm Bureaus.
“This is one of the major things that makes me so proud of our grassroots policy development process,” said Mike Spradling, OFB President. “Any individual can submit a resolution for consideration. Our members thoroughly study and research these resolutions before voting at our state convention.”