Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Comanche County Young Farmers and Ranchers committee is the 2015 recipient of the Charles L. Roff Award. The award was presented in Oklahoma City at the OKFB 74th Annual Meeting Nov. 13.
The Charles L. Roff Award encourages county YF&R groups to improve their local committees and activity participation while strengthening the Farm Bureau organization.
“It’s a great accomplishment,” said Isaac Fisher, chairman of Comanche County Farm Bureau. “We’re so proud to have it for all the hard work everyone’s put in in our county.”
The goal of Comanche County YF&R throughout the year was to encourage younger generations to pursue careers in agriculture in the future.
“Basically, we just want to promote agriculture in our county,” Fisher said. “(We) do what we can to spread the word, get the truth out there that we want to raise a safe and reliable source of food for the world.”
Comanche County’s highlight activities for the year included sponsoring a farmhand olympics, assisting at county livestock shows, judging local speech contests and hosting a commodity tour. Members of the county YF&R also served on various statewide committees in OKFB and the agricultural industry.
The county received a traveling plaque in recognition for their outstanding committee involvement.
The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Annual Meeting is the organization’s largest gathering of farmers and ranchers every year. At the event, members vote on grassroots policy, elect leaders and award outstanding individuals. OKFB has a presence in all 77 Oklahoma counties and serves as the voice of agriculture and the rural way of life. To learn more, visit www.okfarmbureau.org.
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Tom Buchanan, Oklahoma Farm Bureau president (left) and Zac Harris, OKFB Young Farmers & Ranchers chairman, present the 2015 Charles L. Roff Award to Comanche County Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee Chairman Isaac Fisher at the 2015 OKFB annual meeting Friday, Nov. 13 in Oklahoma City. The Charles L. Roff award recognizes outstanding YF&R programs.
Listen to and download our interview with Isaac on our SoundCloud page.