Sean Akadiri, founder of Agric-Bioformatics, invites Oklahoma Farm Bureau members to apply for a free beta trial for AgBoostTM, a new cloud-based platform designed to provide genetics, nutrition and health data for cattle producers.
AgBoostTM offers several useful features including genetic profiles and assessment, breeding suggestions, valuation and forecasting, lineage tracking, and nutritional recommendation. Oklahoma Farm Bureau has supported the development of the Agric-Bioformatics and AgBoostTM from the ground floor.
“Farm Bureau members have always been on the cutting edge of agriculture technology, and this program is the latest cutting edge,” said Todd Honer, OKFB director of commodities. “This is first program of its kind to use actual genetic makeup instead of statistical analysis, like EPDs, to evaluate your cattle herd.”
The beta version will allow the user to keep inventory, store performance data, sort and rank, cull, and choose replacement heifers based on the genomic information. The data will be presented to the user in a simple to interpret visual format. Best of all, Agric-Bioformatics will cover the cost to obtain genomic data of the user’s cattle and users can use AgBoostTM for free throughout the Beta period.
To receive the free beta trial:
- Register for the program and fill out the on-line application in the link Once the producer is accepted by the program, an Agric-Bioformatics representative will be in contact.
- A kit will be sent for the producer to collect hair samples with prepaid return labeled address box, which will then be sent directly to the lab.
- When testing is complete, the producer will be notified, and results can be viewed online with AgBoost™ platform.
- The beta tester will be able to enter performance data and keep animal inventory on AgBoost™ platform while waiting for the genomic test results.
- At the end of the beta trial period, producers will be asked to take a quick survey to give feedback.
For more information about Agric-Bioformatics or AgBoostTM, visit their website at